English translation of my recent Swedish article "Tio år av konspiration"
(@, a Swedish Citizen Journalism online newspaper:

Ten Years of conspiracy
by Leif Erlingsson

With none of the options being acceptable, it is easiest to figure that one cannot know, and move on.  This is, I argue, the purpouse of the Psy-OP that was perpretrated on 9/11 and onwards to this day.

Ten years of conspiracy have, concludes Leif E Ström in a thoughtful comment at 2011-09-12, unfortunately created a deterring activity.  And not only on Sourze, which was his concern [1], but for all independent critical thinking.  Another Sourze profile came to well express this through the observation "One ought to attend a course in order to understand the world situation-- because one cannot trust oneself." [2].

This would, I argue, be the purpose behind the Psy-OP's that were performed from 9/11 and onwards.  That there should be too many "balls in the air", and that no-one should feel able to understand what really happened.  And that none of the alternatives, the PsyOP's "Inside Job", or the even more thoughtblocking official (also conspiracy theory) version, are acceptable so that the easiest way out is to figure that one cannot know, and leave the subject.

John Lamb Lash is of the opinion that 9/11 is an attack on the human capacity to think [3].  This is very serious.  We can all see that everyone has either been confused for ten years, or convulsively clung to someone elses explanation.  The point of 9/11, as with the money system, is that what have been done is beyond what we can imagine.  It has been done with Stealth, with hidden method.  Which makes us even more dependant on authority figures.

But attacks against one's own population's capacity to think -- which is equivalent to Psy-OP's against one's own population -- means civilization disintegration.  A society which deceives its own goes under[4].  Someone told me that Psy-OP had beeen officially implemented against the own population not only in the United States but also in Sweden.  I ought to call the government offices and check.  I don't think that they would dare to lie "on the record".  (Most things seems to be about keeping ones own hands clean, and let someone else take the hit.)

Dr. Judy Wood knows who knows who did 9/11, and she has shown how we all can find out [5 - 8].  I am myself on the case!  How it was done, she has proven beyond any reasonable doubt [10, 11].  (The manner in which the matter was not taken to judicial trial is in itself a legal scandal.)  Her example, however, that the purpose may be to overthrow the U.S. government is just an example.  She figures that those who carried out 9/11 with Psy-OP may have done so in order to completely undermine all confidence in the authorities, in order to later be able to easily and with public approval seize power.

John Lamb Lash for his part figures that 9/11 may be an attack on humanity itself, against our very capacity to think.  This from a party who do not count itself to humanity [12].  Listen!

"Deconstructing the Psy-OPs is the only way we are going to see the crystal clear truth."  "[I]n deconstructing how these events took place on that day, in deconstructing how they took place, we can deconstruct the Psy-OPs and get the Psy-OPs out of our own minds.  The great problem with people recognizing Judy Wood's work, which is truth as clear as crystal water from a spring.  Why is it so muddled and so difficult to see this?  Because our minds are still in the fog and confusion of the Psy-OPs.  And the only way we can get out of it is by deconstructing it." [9 -- which is the most important part of a recent conversation between Thomas (Touchstone Tom) Malone, Dr. Judy Wood and John Lamb Lash.]

Let the chips fall where they may!  Only those who are afraid of the truth can have any objection to a completely honest scientific search into what has transpired, without the blinders of their own ideas about what one thinks can be possible and reasonable, but only guided by the evidence.  No one knows who is guilty, that is the whole point.  [Author clarification during translation:  Of course a few knows, but the rest of us don't]    But we must find out -- because the murderer is still loose.

Leif Erlingsson, Thought Breaker

  1. Leif E Ström in the thread "Kunde den första attacken mot WTC ha stoppats?", 2011-09-12 12:18 inlägg #21, .

  2. Pia I in the thread "9/11 och hotet mot det fria ordet", 2011-09-13 01:47 inlägg #59, .

  3. John Lamb Lash is saying that 9/11 in an attack on the human capacity to think.  That this attack is the most serious attack humanity has ever encountered.  "John Lash Challenge to the Crop Circle Wizards", Blog Talk Radio 2011-08-30, .

  4. Bernard Lovell, British astronomer and author:  "A study of history shows that civilizations that abandon the quest for knowledge are doomed to disintegration.".

  5. Conversation between Thomas (Touchstone Tom) Malone, Dr. Judy Wood and John Lamb Lash, "Dr Wood and John Lash The quintessential talk on 911 Hour 1", Blog Talk Radio 2011-09-06, .  By all means also listen to the second hour, , and on "Judy Wood - 9/11 Ten Years Later", Red Ice Radio 2011-09-11, .

  6. Ibid, 00:53:05:  Dr. Judy Wood:  "I determined what happened, how it happened - some kind of energy weapon.  And I know those who helped covered it up.  The contractors on the NIST report.  Some of them are familiar with energy weapons.  They develop and manufacture energy weapons.  It was one of them who also have a contract with the US government to know who anywhere is developing such weaponry, any weapon of mass destruction.  Who has developed it.  So not only would they know what weapon it was but they would pretty much know who's weapon it was.  If they know who is developing whatever they would know what the capabilities of various entities.  So that's why I went after them.  But I think it's so important to first figure out what happened."

  7. Ibid, 00:54:36  John Lamb Lash:  "To those people who still have trouble thinking that it could have been done by Directed Energy Weapons, and have trouble believing that these weapons exist, go to Dr. Wood's website to the page which is jaw-dropping which has evidence which is not evidence that she has concocted, it's nothing speculative, it is actually taken from the website of ARA and also from this other organization, what is it called..."  Dr. Judy Wood:  "Directed Energy Professional Society."  John Lamb Lash:  "Yea, the DEPS.  Have you ever heard of the DEPS -- folks -- the Directed Energy Professional Society?"  Thomas (Touchstone Tom) Malone:  "I've never heard of that."  John Lamb Lash:  "It really exist.  And if Directed Energy doesn't exist, and if it's just a fiction, then how come there is a Directed Energy Professional Society that is linked to a whole number of government contracting agencies for every name that you can think of such as Halliburton or Boeing or all the great companies and corporations that deal with the military and contract to the military are in this club of the Directed Energy Professional Society.  I mean, is this something out of a science fiction writer or does it really exist?  Well I didn't even know it really existed until I saw the documentation for it on Dr. Wood's site.  So if you are wondering about whether this kind of energy really exist or not, apparently there are a lot of people in corporations and the military and corporate structure who absolutely do believe it exist and as Dr. Wood said, they ought to have been able to tell us who did this or who holds the devices capable of doing this.  And they completely betrayed the trust of the American public in their role of consulting for the NIST report in that they didn't do that.  You see, they didn't do that.  Because they didn't want to point the finger at those people.  But we are not that far away from seeing who they are.  One thing that continually encourages me about Dr. Wood's work is that although it doesn't say who did it it makes it possible for us to seriously undertake finding out."  Dr. Judy Wood:  "Now I don't know who did it, but I know who knows."  John Lamb Lash:  "Right.  Who knows.  And that is not something that only you should know, Dr. Wood.  It's not something that you alone should know.  Any reasonable sober person who is willing to spend some time investigating it can come to the same conclusion.  So this is absolutely a key point."  ( - 00:57:35.)

  8. The web page John Lamb Lash and Dr. Judy Wood is refering to in footnote 7 is .  Figures 1(a) and Figure 1(b) on this page, which Dr. Judy Wood got from ARA's website, are especially interesting.  Had this article been illustrated, these would definitely have been included.  As Dr. Wood clarifies in an email, "Applied Research Associates (ARA) had the most number of employees working on the NIST report of all of the contractors.  The leader of their team has given presentations on energy weapons at technical conferences.  That is his area of expertise."  (This footnote was rewritten 2011-10-15, on which date Dr. Judy Wood helped me find the correct reference as I had previously incorrectly stated that some other page "ought to be" the one referred to in footnote 7.)

  9. Conversation between Thomas (Touchstone Tom) Malone, Dr. Judy Wood and John Lamb Lash [5]:
    Deconstructing the Psy-OPs is the only way we are going to see the crystal clear truth:

    1:01:58 John Lamb Lash:  "Just imagine, You know what it is to frame someone.  Okay.  We all know the story.  We've seen the detective films many times.  A man doesn't kill his wife.  Somebody does.  But he is framed for the murder of his wife.  Okay.  We have seen that story in a plot many times.  Right.  Let me give you another plot.  How about a man kills his wife and then he is framed for what he actually did.  Did you ever hear that story.  They are framed for what they actually did."

    1:01:42 Dr. Judy Wood:  "Here's an example of that that I have often used:  Let's say you have someone standing over a dead body with a smoking gun.  And so you haul them into court and charge them with death by gunshot.  Turns out they killed the person but they poisoned him.  So there's no bullet hole in the body.  The guy get's off and due to Double jeopardy he can't be tried again."

    1:02:15 John Lamb Lash:  "There you go.  That's right.  So let's say that some clever twist like that, either the example that I gave, someone that is framed for something they actually did and then they have a clever lawyer come in and say "oh, my god, you were framed", and they get them off from something they did because it makes them appear as if they were framed and thereby innocent.  That plot and the plot that Judy Wood just described.

    Let's consider that something like that plot happened at 911, and it's part of the Psy-OPs.  And as long as we are caught in the Psy-OPs we are never gonna see it.  We have to to step outside of it.  And the big difference -- and this is just about the most important thing I want to say this evening -- the big difference between Dr Woods argument on evidence of what happened on 911 and the Truth Movement Inside Job argument:  Dr Wood's argument is pure science, it doesn't contain an accusation.  But the the Truth Movement Inside Job, which purports to be based on science, purports to be based on architects and engineers and scientists looking at the evidence, does point to a perpetrator.  And therefore it is not pure science.  You see.  It is part of the Psy-OPs.  Because the Psy-OPs wants us to look at a certain perpetrator.  It want's to frame someone, namely the united states government.

    But the twist in this story, that I am asking you now to consider, is that the perpetrators who were framed actually did what they were framed for, but they didn't do it in the way that they thought they were going to do it.

    And in deconstructing how these events took place on that day, in deconstructing how they took place, we can deconstruct the Psy-OPs and get the Psy-OPs out of our own minds.  The great problem with people recognizing Judy Wood's work, which is truth as clear as crystal water from a spring.  Why is it so muddled and so difficult to see this?  Because our minds are still in the fog and confusion of the Psy-OPs.  And the only way we can get out of it is by deconstructing it.  And that's what I would like to try to do a little bit this evening.
    "  ( - 1:04:49. )

  10. Dr. Judy Wood, "Where Did the Towers Go?  --  Evidence of Directed Free-Energy Technology on 9/11" (2010).

  11. Request for Corrections (RFC) to NIST .

    Dr. Judy Wood's federal qui tam case .
    Original filing April 25, 2007, and all later, against the contractors of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) for science fraud.

  12. The second hour, conversation between Thomas (Touchstone Tom) Malone, Dr. Judy Wood and John Lamb Lash, "Dr Wood and John Lash The quintessential talk on 911 Hour 2", Blog Talk Radio 2011-09-06, , 0:03:45 and onwards, where John Lamb Lash phrased an hypotheses that he'd never before expressed in public.  Not even to his other two discussion partners.  The hypotheses ends with that 9/11 can be an attack on humanity itself, against our very capacity to think.  This from a party who do not count itself to humanity.  Listen!

Translated into English by author 2011-10-10 19:00:00.
Footnote 8 was rewritten on 2011-10-15.
Also on this date, Footnote 11 was improved.